I do not go anymore, but right before I left, whenever a brother would say "Don't we Loooooooove this new light?" and everyone clapped.... reminded me of a bunch of penguins.
cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Question for those who went to the RC
by joe134cd ini'm just curious with all the happy clapping that is now going on with the singing at the conventions.
what has been the reaction to it with the r&f.
has anyone ever commented that it reminded them of a pentecostal revival meeting.
cha ching
Can the GB be directed by Holy Spirit and at the same time be not inspired ?
by Chook inyes god directs our writings but they're not inspired, so gods directions are staggered and overlapping , so the genuine innocent believing jw has a wonderful life of overlapping bullshit.
so next time you meet a jw priest ask them what is the difference between being directed and inspired, then i promise you will hear first hand an example of overlapping bull..
cha ching
Ask a JW: "Are the GB inspired?"
and they answer "no"
reply: "I knew it the whole time!"
BBC News "The ex-Jehovah's Witnesses shunned by their families"
by snare&racket inbbc news website has this linked on front page.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40704990.
cha ching
The fact that BBC is taking note, TAKING THE TIME and writing, interviewing about shunning about shunning & disfellowshipping is AWESOME!!!
I was in London for the Reveal News Conference in April/May... BBC was there, they thought they would put in their two cents, write a line or two and leave.
What they heard was so powerful, it moved them to do more!
They told us that... They went and got camera equipment, a crew, came back and did interviews. THEY did not realize the harm WT does. They cared! Change starts somewhere...
Kudos to them!
Next steps
by Issa in"you're parents are going to die", my bible teacher said that to my sister and i. a 12-year-old and 14-year-old, simply going to a theocratic school meeting, learning to be submissive and learn how to preach the 'watchtower way'.
this incident was after meeting ended.
we made our way to our frail bible teacher.
cha ching
So sorry for you, many children suffer in silence, have nightmares, are mad, and do not get to express themselves, or escape until many years later.....
My sister worried about our grandmother dying at Armageddon... all the time.
Hugs to you,
cha ching
by mann377 invery interesting article.
read this and see if this reminds you of seven men in warwick or some you have known in the congregation.
cha ching
I totally think they are psychopathic!
How To Spot a Psychopath:
Common signs include superficial charm, a grandiose notion of self-worth, the need for stimulation and impulsiveness, pathological lying, the ability to manipulate others and a lack of remorse and empath
;-)cha ching!
I'm writing a letter to my country's branch
by Ray Frankz inhi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
cha ching
PS, do not write a letter, they do not care, thousands of people have written, they get DFd.....
I saw a video of these 2 Irish brothers used their savings to travel to NY to speak to the GB.
The one brother, John Joseph May, had questions (for one thing) about 1914... and another bout why Freddy Franz was DF'd. He "rang" Brother Barr (who had been a friend of the family for many years) and then wrote him with about 12 questions, never got an answer, got an "acknowledgement" but no answers.
They used a lot of money to travel to NY to speak with the GB.... they would not meet with them. You can hear this dear person tell the story himself....
Learn from history.
Best to you,
cha ching
I'm writing a letter to my country's branch
by Ray Frankz inhi everyone.. well, i have some good news.
after having a terrible moment arguing with my mom about the 1914 teaching and all it evolves (she get really upset and i felt great regret for starting the argument) she came to me next day and started talking with a much more open mind, and she talked about a lot of concerns too.. she and my father naivily expressed the wish to write to bethel to ask about 607bc.
i told in all the possible ways it wouldn't work.
cha ching
I think you should take out the Oct & Nov WT of 2011, and be thumbing through it innocently, and sayd "hey, look what I noticed!"
Point out the way the Society makes a big picture of a tablet they think was cracked, and they can't tell if it was 'this or that' date, or what exactly was meant, and that there were two lunar eclipses within 40 years... (I can't remember the exact quotes, you will have to do the research, sorry)
THEN, and this is the simplest, most important point.... In one of the little teeny tiny footnote type statements, it says that there are thousands of these business tablets kept by the Egibi tribe, and there is one for every year a kind of Babylon reigned. They always put the date at the top (like we do) but it included, The King, The Year of his Rule, Where the stars were....
The WT said, if you use these, you will come up with 587 BCE.... It is simple.
To get dates, WT has to use things found by archaeologists.... Why are they always distracting people with questions, broken tablets, things written hundreds of years later?
There are tablets for every day.... 587 is the year.
If 587 is the year, there is no 1914... and that means? 1919 and the "choosing of the GB" is a bunch of nothing....
Watchtower Victims Memorial Day!!!
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys i just wanted to share with you all a video we made this week for watchtower victims memorial day.
cha ching
I like the positive way you both talk... people your age (and others) will not feel "hatred from apostates"... they will see two human beings, just wanting to be loved. Very good job.
Oct 2017 W/T on love.
by WHATSGOINGON inthe october 2017 wt study article (simplified).
let us consider some examples of fake love.
when satan talked to eve in the garden of eden, what he said made it seem that he wanted the best for her.
cha ching
Every time something goes bad (low assistance to the meetings, low rate of biblic studies or hours in the field, plenty of fights among brothers or sisters) they start to think "who is the motherf*cker who is sinning this time?".
My sister and I laughed so hard when we read this! Haha! This would make a great British comedy spot!
Or.... we could do a funny YouTube video...
- "Setting" My sister I are sitting at a card table, facing the audience.....
- So Sis, have you noticed how bad things have gotten? The world is getting worse and worse by the day!
- Yes, sister, but have you noticed the meeting attendance? It is so low, and the Bible Studies are down.... brothers and sisters are fighting.... What is up?
- Do you know what I am starting to think??
- (they look at each other and say at the same time)
- "who is the motherf*cker who is sinning this time?".
lol, thank you Ray Frankz
Lack of open-mindedness
by ilikecheese ina lot of religious folks can have an open-minded discussion about their beliefs without getting defensive.
some can actually consider things from another point of view and point out the validity in the other person's point.
obviously, a lot of jws may just be scared to think/speak in a semi-detrimental way about their religion.
cha ching
I agree, scratchme1010, I was of a different mindset as a JW.
When the elders told this little group of 'elderly' sisters, "you can't get together for a Bible study together", I said "What!!?? They can't do that! We study with people, we talk to people, why can't we talk to ourselves?!! There is NOTHING in the Bible that says "no".... We have family bible studies, you sisters have 'no family', we are 'like a family', you can study by yourselves, don't let the elders tell you what to do!"
I was the wife of an elder at some point... I am not sure if my husband had quit at this point, but I was always bucking the system.... I guess I finally bucked hard enough and made it out. ;-)